Fondo monocomponente trasparente all'acqua, per applicazioni a spruzzo, su legno o materiali legnosi caratterizzato da una ottima copertura, ottimo carteggio e sovrapplicazione.
Intended for applications on both level and vertical surfaces , with good thixotropic properties.
It is recommended to stir well the product before use.
The product is ready for use, if necessary thin it with water.
La diluizione del prodotto è stabilita all’atto dell’applicazione in funzione dei parametri applicativi presenti, consigliate diluizioni minime inferiori all'1%. Miscelare bene il prodotto dopo la diluizione.
For optimal results, product application and drying should happend at higher temperature than 15°C and humidity lower than 80%.
Keep it tightly sealed in its original container in a cool environment (between 4°C and 40°C) that is not subject to abrupt temperature excursions.
Standard packaging size of 25 Kg; for other requests a feasibility evaluation will be made.
The product is intended for professional use only, refer to the Safety Data Sheet.